Commemorating insulin's centennial: engineering insulin pharmacology towards physiology



Pharmacokinetically tailored insulin has been rationally designed by molecular structural engineering and/or pharmaceutical formulation to improve glucose control and convenience for people with diabetes.Novel mechanisms protracted action based on reduced plasma clearance hold promise enable once-weekly subcutaneous once-daily oral basal delivery.Hepato-preferential analogs can be tailoring size receptor affinity provide more physiological replacement.Successful delivery achieved in early clinical trials but is still hampered low bioavailability.Clinical have initiated glucose-sensitive chemically engineered switch between active inactive conformations or undergo glucose-dependent clearance, thus giving hope that a 'smart insulin' within reach. The life-saving discovery of Toronto 1921 one the most impactful achievements medical history, at time being hailed as miracle treatment diabetes. molecule itself, however, poorly amenable pharmacological intervention, formidable challenge optimizing therapy ongoing century. We review academic insights into structure its relation self-association binding, well recombinant biotechnology, which all seminal drug design. Recent developments focused combining genetic chemical optimization generate ultra-rapid ultra-long-acting, tissue-selective, orally delivered analogs. further discuss these propose future scientific efforts include realizing dream glucose-responsive delivery. year 2021 marks centennial 1921, momentous event modern medicine. Over past 100 years we come know not only medicine diabetes also complex agent narrow therapeutic window (see Glossary). Every decade had innovative highlights, testifying across disciplines collectively brought us current state (Figure 1). These improvements driven inherent dosing (s.c.) precisely match constantly changing requirement over day, where rapid required during meals whereas slow steady necessary – especially night. Therefore, overarching goal century apply formulation, engineering, technology make it possible mimic natural patterns release from pancreatic β cells closely reduce spent either hyper- hypoglycemia. Nevertheless, despite innovations, overall level glycemic type 1 (T1D) 2 (T2D) far normalized (Box This calls continued research focus aiming optimize options diabetes.Box 1FAQs facts about therapyWho need therapy?As 2019, an estimated 463 million are living [101.International Diabetes Federation IDF Atlas.9th edn. IDF, 2019Google Scholar]. 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عنوان ژورنال: Trends in Pharmacological Sciences

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0165-6147', '1873-3735']